Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blowin' Hard

Got a late start today because I meandered through the morning after staying up until almost 5 this morning to watch the US presidential debate and some analysis. I slept for a few hours and got up at 8, but it was slow going. After breakfast and coffee we went to get some produce from fruit and veg man. As we were loading our stuff into our bag, he asked if I could use some radishes. He said he'd ordered some, but they sent too many bags so he gave me half a bag. I guess I will make another batch of salad dressing and we'll have some salads this week.
After getting our produce we came home and had lunch. After a while we headed out again. It is windy out there--I am listening to it howl as I type. We walked down to the end of the pier and we had to work to keep balanced. I did not go too close to the edge. The water was pretty amazing--boiling and black.

It was not really cold, but was invigorating nonetheless!

In an hour or so I will throw together a quick supper of pasta and veggies and then get back to my book. It could be an early night. I suspect that neither of us will have a hard time falling asleep tonight!

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